Immerse in the imperial culture and savour exquisite flavours from Northern and Southern China at Paradise Dynasty.
Capturing the finer points of bygone eras in contemporary style,
delve into the legend of Xiao Long Bao as we pay tribute to the time-honoured delicacy with eight types of Xiao Long Bao. Touted as a world’s first, our Xiao Long Bao comes in never-tried-before flavours like crab roe, cheese, garlic, ginseng, Szechuan and the king among kings – foie gras and black truffle.
Be awed by the experience, the refreshing take on delicacies and the dragon’s impeccable presence at Paradise Dynasty.
樂天皇朝以现代的风格中捕捉中国皇朝时代的风貌。 向历史悠久的小笼包致敬,我们制作了世界首创的精致 八种独特口味小笼包,包括前所未有的蟹粉、芝士、蒜香、 人参、川味以及顶级的鹅肝和黑松露口味。
在创新佳肴及宏伟装潢的配合下,打造出樂天皇朝不一般的 感官与味觉盛宴。
Creating New Dimensions
of Dining Pleasure
Poised as a diners’ paradise for Oriental cuisine, the Paradise Group offers gourmet menus of exceptional value in a wide variety of restaurant concepts together with a catering arm.
Promising a sensorial experience with service from the heart, every concept immerses the diner in an atmosphere that captures the ner points of Chinese culture, particularly the nest from its rich array of culinary delights.
True to our mission to improve, enhance and create for our customers’ ultimate experiential enjoyment, the Paradise Group marries tradition with innovation – a match that is made in heaven.